Glenshee and Lochnagar Hills: Mount Keen (235)
Walk date: 18/12/04
My Munro #'s: 11/284
No time for a sandwich, one cold summit:

First day out since getting own car. Route from north - parked at stables in Glen Tanar, reached via Aboyne. This was a late start in wintry conditions and I had an expectation of having to turn around; only left car park at 11am. Despite the surprising distance to the hill itself (almost 2 hours), the going was good and the view of the peak quite appetising. Started hill itself at ~12:50, on plateau by 13:30. Decided to give myself until 14:00 to reach summit. From plateau the conditions were interesting being in thick cloud with snow and ice underfoot - path becoming indistinct in last 10 mins requiring constant compass bearings. At summit at 13:50 and immediately started back down. Long slog to car in failing light. Back at 4pm, pitch black within 30 mins. Felt absolutely fantastic!
My Munro #'s: 11/284
No time for a sandwich, one cold summit:

First day out since getting own car. Route from north - parked at stables in Glen Tanar, reached via Aboyne. This was a late start in wintry conditions and I had an expectation of having to turn around; only left car park at 11am. Despite the surprising distance to the hill itself (almost 2 hours), the going was good and the view of the peak quite appetising. Started hill itself at ~12:50, on plateau by 13:30. Decided to give myself until 14:00 to reach summit. From plateau the conditions were interesting being in thick cloud with snow and ice underfoot - path becoming indistinct in last 10 mins requiring constant compass bearings. At summit at 13:50 and immediately started back down. Long slog to car in failing light. Back at 4pm, pitch black within 30 mins. Felt absolutely fantastic!
Labels: Glenshee, Lochnagar Hills, Mount Keen, mountain, munro
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